that's peanuts... or is it?

One word: Unsalted peanuts. Why are they so hard to get? Back when I did my little road trip to Scotland I decided we needed unsalted peanuts. The upsides are clear: they’re not salty and as such you can eat a lot of them without needing a truckload of…


As per a lot requests comments are now included on any blog entries I write. That’s all I really have to say but as it’d be a waste of good memory and I haven’t really anything better to do (not really, I REALLY should do my assignments) I’ll now comment on some stuff that goes to my heart.…

party culture

I don’t understand party culture in Austria (or anywhere else). Or more like partying when you have nothing to celebrate. Why would you go out every weekend and burn money?…


This will be my little space where I will write down some thoughts of mine. Not regularly or anything, just when something scratches my brain or rants me out I’ll do a little text here.…